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Your Supports Planner

The role of a Supports Planner is to educate and assist participants to live the life of their choosing in their home. We connect participants with services in their community and ensure that services delivered to you are of the highest quality.

Your Supports Planner meets with you in your home to gather information about your needs, preferences, and desires for supports and services including:

  • Submitting a Plan of Service to Maryland Dept. of Health (MDH) based upon your Nursing Assessment that was completed with you.
  • Helping you connect with other people and services in your community.
  • Helping you appeal MDH’s decisions and advocating for you.
  • Helping you develop a plan of supports and services.

(Your Supports Planner will send you a copy of this plan and keep a copy in your file.)

This “Person Directed” plan:

  • Describes what you want for the future.
  • Outlines the supports and services you need from Maryland Dept. of Health (MDH) to help you achieve your goals.
  • Outlines other supports and services that may be of assistance to you.
  • Looks at building on the supports you already have and creating partnerships with other people and services in your community.

Your Supports Planner will help you:

  • Talk to you about your dreams and experiences.
  • Get to know you and assist you in advocating for yourself and what you want.
  • Help you coordinate the development of your Plan of Service, making sure that the plan is built around your needs. Your plan will be updated at least once a year and you can update it any time.
  • Supports Planners work with you to make sure you are satisfied with the supports and services you receive. Support Planners will also monitor your services throughout the year.
  • Help locate additional supports and services that you desire, and help you make community connections.

Talk to Your Supports Planner Regarding:

What is important to you and what you like to do with your time, whether or not you’d like to make your own decisions, linking you to supports that you need to keep you safe and healthy and more!