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World Health Day

Celebrating World Health Day

Everyday SCI helps connect the people we support to resources and services that promote good health. In honor of World Health Day, we share a few stories from the people we support.


Thanks to Marjorie, his SCI Supports Planner, Charles now lives in his own apartment and enjoys a greater sense of relief. As a result of Marjorie’s support, he can easily schedule and manage his doctor’s appointments and televisits, as well as receive support with personal care and meal preparation. For added safety, Charles wears a personal emergency response system monitor. This newfound independence has allowed Charles to thrive and live a more fulfilling life.


With the help of the Community Options Waiver and SCI Supports Planner India, Taron was able to successfully transition into his own apartment, gaining his independence within the community, while receiving the necessary care he requires. Now Taron is also able to focus more on his life goals and less on how his day-to-day health will be maintained.


Since obtaining personal care services, Tolu has been less aggressive with her family. She has support with bathing, meal preparation, and healthy meal choices, which has already resulted in Tolu living a healthier, more independent lifestyle. She expresses gratitude for the services provided by Shalaya, her SCI Supports Planner.


After living in a nursing and rehabilitation center in Maryland for some time, Julian is finally in his own place and can make choices about his life, his schedule, and his medical treatments. With SCI’s Supports Planner, Kimberly and the Community Options Waiver services, He has improved his quality of life by becoming more mobile and independent.

Happy World Health Day, visit our blog page to read more Impact Stories from the people we support.