DDA Transitioning Youth Resource Document

Transitioning from high school is an exciting time for young adults and their families as they consider options for the future. The DDA offers services that help youth and their families navigate a path toward a “good life” as adults.

Understanding DDA’s Transitioning Youth (TY) Services

DDA-funded services are not an entitlement. Funding for TY services comes, in part, from one of DDA’s three federal waiver programs: Community Pathways, Family Supports, or Community Supports. Waivers allow the DDA to provide specific services through funding from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Additionally, the Governor’s Transitioning Youth Initiative (GTYI) earmarks funds in the DDA budget for eligible students leaving school.

The GTYI is a collaboration through a partnership between the DDA and the DORS.


To be eligible for the GTYI, a person must be found fully eligible as developmentally disabled, based on the following criteria:

  • Maryland resident
  • Waiver eligible
  • 21 years old
  • Have a severe chronic disability that:
    • Is attributable to a physical or mental impairment other than a sole diagnosis of mental illness
    • Results in the need to have services which are individually planned and coordinated
    • Results in a need for services that are likely to continue indefinitely
    • Results that occurred before the age of 22
    • Results in the inability to live independently

Note:  A sole diagnosis of a developmental disability does not mean a person is automatically eligible.

Applying for Services

You can apply for DDA services at any time and at any age. You must be found DDA-eligible to receive any DDA services. If you are specifically applying for TY services, contact the servicing DDA regional office when you are age 14.

You may ask for assistance to update or complete the application for determining your eligibility. All DDA waiver applications must be completed by June 30 of the eligibility year to be considered for funding. If the date of transition is after the 21st birthday, the person will be eligible for one year after the date of exiting or graduating from high school. Applications submitted later will be placed on a waiting list. Applications are  available online here.   https://dda.health.maryland.gov/Pages/Developments/2015/dda_ea_application.pdf

Document to Share

Those looking for this information in a format that can be easily shared with families and stakeholders can find them here.