Council Grants at Work

Employment: Head Injury Rehabilitation & Referral Services (HIRRS)

What do the Council’s TIP (Transforming and Improving Practices through Customized Technical Assistance) grantees do with their funding?  

Here’s a look at what the Head Injury Rehabilitation & Referral Services, Inc. (HIRRS) in Montgomery County achieved as a result of a TIP grant in 2017. With funding made possible by the Council, HIRSS received technical assistance in developing a strategic action plan to improve outcomes for meaningful community employment and to develop a culture within the agency for continual improvement and reflections.

They consulted with Griffin-Hammis Associates, Inc, a consulting firm that helps to educate people and businesses on how to employ someone with a disability. This consultation led the implementation of the Discovery Process in assisting people in obtaining meaningful community employment.  

Currently, all staff at HIRRS are now trained in implementing the Discovery Process with job seekers. They have several success stories to share, including one from a young man who expressed interest in the sports and bicycle industry and has now found employment with the Washington Redskins as a game-day event staff person. Because of his ability to progress in the position independently, HIRRS staff was able to phase out job coaching after the fourth game day of employment. 

We asked HIRRS staff to share what they learned. Here’s what they said:

“It is a creative, holistic approach to understanding clients and helping them with their vocational goals. I am planning to collect data about clients’ skills and interests differently, in a broader, more creative way.”

“I hope to utilize the strategies learned to complete Discovery with each of our clients and get both families and staff more involved.”

Some people with developmental disabilities who were served by this grant also responded. Here’s what they said:

“I learned that I like working with young children, and I plan to help others reach a goal.”

“I learned that I like interviews.” 

There’s lots of other good news from Council grantees. Stay tuned to these newsletters and our social media pages for more stories and the latest information about grant funding. 

410.767.3670 – 1.800.305.6441