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Amber’s Story

Amber is a 45-year-old woman who lives in Baltimore County with her family.  Her life was forever changed in the winter of 2019 when a tractor-trailer struck the car she was driving with her son in tow.  Amber and her son both survived the accident, but she suffered extensive injuries.  Amber’s road to recovery was faced with many challenges, including a series of extensive surgeries.  


Amber began working with Service Coordination in June 2020, when she was assigned to Supports Planner Brandi. From the very beginning, Amber and Brandi had a great working relationship. Brandi guided her through the Community First Choice (CFC) program and assisted her in identifying her needs. As a result, Amber could obtain the many resources she needed, including medical supplies and equipment. She also received in-home aid services through the program, which positively impacted Amber’s daily life. Her aide assisted her with personal care in addition to light house cleaning, medication management, and shopping. She relied on her Supports Planner, Brandi, for assistance with obtaining medical documentation, assisting housing searches, annual redetermination documentation, and most of all, moral support.  


Amber shared that Brandi is always there, even if it is just to listen to her share her struggles or successes. “She is in my corner, cheering me on.”  When this journey began for Amber, she needed complete care. She could not get out of bed and relied heavily on her family and her aid for care and assistance. Although her recovery is still underway, Amber’s progress is impressive.  


She recently celebrated her 45th birthday by walking into her party with a walker!  This was a huge accomplishment for Amber, who was proud to share her achievement with family and friends. Her SCI Supports Planner, Brandi, is amazed. “It has been a pleasure to work with Amber and to see how determined she is to get back on her feet.  She is a strong-willed woman with so much perseverance.”  Amber is thankful for Brandi’s help. “I thank you for going above and beyond to help me,” exclaimed Amber to her SCI Supports Planner. “I feel that you really care about me and my journey.”