Senate Releases Health Care Replacement Bill

What Will It Mean for People With Disabilities?

Yesterday, Senate leadership released a draft of the bill they propose to replace the Affordable Care Act. Analysis by national disability leaders indicates that the bill, “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017,” cuts Medicaid more deeply than the House bill.

This will have a drastic impact on health care services and long-term supports and services that people with disabilities rely on.

As with the House bill, cuts and caps to Medicaid will have a negative impact:

Want to Compare Current and Proposed Programs?

Here’s an easy-to-understand chart that compares the Affordable Care Act (ACA–existing law), the plan passed by the House (American Health Care Act–AHCA), and the plan proposed by the Senate Republicans (Better Care Reconciliation Act).


Related Information:

  • Proposals to restructure Medicaid would fundamentally change the scope and financing of the Medicaid program. The Kaiser Family Foundation developed two-page fact sheets that provide a snapshot with key data for Medicaid in every state related to current coverage, access, and financing. Read the snapshot of Maryland here.
  • Watch an interview with Connecticut State Senator and Board Chair of American Association of People with Disabilities Ted Kennedy, Jr. describing the impact on people with disabilities.